Month: October 2017

Hindsight // Foresight October 2, 2017

Mark Solarski

Hindsight this week

It was the end of the fiscal year at work plus one of the women on my team had a baby shower (…in Houston…which is not where I live) so last week felt like a lost week at work.  Combine that with the general malaise I feel a few days after rain in the fall (Thanks, Leaf Mold!) and I chose self-care over a Thursday post.  My apologies but sometimes life happens, you know?

Last week I finished The Best Kind of People and The Blinds and started on A Kind of Freedom which, for the record, looked like it would be a quick read but has tiny font.  Here’s hoping I don’t acquire more library fines while finishing.  I’m currently in the middle of Hum If You Don’t Know the Words and am much more engaged this time.

The only library pick up was Young Jane Young for MMD book club.  Kindle buys this week were The Negative Trait Thesaurus (for when I like to pretend like I might write something myself in the future), The Last Days of Cafe Leila, and The Beautiful Mystery (the eighth book in the Inspector Gamache series–which everyone says is amazing so I have bought eight of them without having actually ready any of them).  This is the faith I have in my fellow book worms, particularly Anne Bogel and Madeleine Riley.

Book of the Month picks were posted this week–everyone else seemed disappointed but two books I was dying to read were among the choices–it was the first time I didn’t feel like I needed to do any research before snapping up my picks.  My library doesn’t seem to own The Power and the wait list for Manhattan Beach was a million years long.  Done and done.  (If you’re interested in checking out BOTM, my affiliate link is above and code “REV3” will get you four books plus a tote bag for the price of the three month membership–this is how I got hooked.  Three months gave me a good idea of my options and y’all, that tote bag is my new favorite tote bag.  It’s the perfect size.  If you have questions, please–reach out to me.)

Foresight for the coming week

Because I’ve blown past the deadlines on some Kindle library books, it’s currently in airplane mode and staying that way.  This also means there is a little less rush to read those–I’m taking a week off in two weeks and the last time I went to my parents averaged a book a day, so those will be handled then.  As I noted above, I’ve got to finish A Kind of Freedom here in the next three days with Young Jane Young probably next up.  It’s due back at the library in the middle of my trip so I should really finish that before I leave.  The MMD book club is chatting with Gabrielle Zevin at the end of the month so that should be fun.  I enjoyed The Storied Life of A.J. Fikry but thought it was a tad over-hyped.  Definitely still worth reading her next offering though!

I’ve  also got something fun coming soon with a guest post on another blog–I’m finishing my info for that tonight and can’t wait to link over to it.

Are you reading anything good? I’d love to hear in the comments.