Category: Hindsight / Foresight

Hindsight / Foresight August 20, 2017

Mark Solarski

Hindsight this Week

This week was a pretty good reading week.  I finished Girl in Snow (which wasn’t what I expected) and am almost done with Girls Made of Snow and GlassGirls Made of Snow and Glass is a feminist retelling of Snow White–I’m loving it and looking forward to reviewing it on the blog this week.  I finished Born a Crime in audio and started The Color PurplePurple is read by the author and while I think the voice and pitch are spot-on, it’s not an easy book to follow on audiobook.  It’s short and I need the book for one of my challenges this year, so I’m continuing with it.  Reading a plot synopsis made what’s going on make more sense, so that will hopefully minimize my confusion going forward.


I did not visit the library except to return books this week!  I know.  It makes me sad too…but my TBR breathed a sigh of relief.

One of my favorite bloggers is co-facilitating a new book club that absolutely everyone should check out.  Diverse Books Club is reading three books for our inaugural month in September–I’ve been meaning to read one, have already read another, and hadn’t heard of the third.  I’m super excited to see how this group works out.  You can check out more info about why this group is necessary and our books for September at Top Shelf Text’s post on the club here.  (Photo Credit Top Shelf Text).

Foresight for the coming week

Since I should finish Girls Made of Snow and Glass today, I’ll likely start either Savage the Bones or Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine.  As I mentioned last week, I got an ARC of Jessamyn Ward’s soon-to-be-published Sing, Unburied, Sing, so I’m thinking I’ll go back and read her first novel and then review the two of them in the same week before Sing comes out.

Have suggestions for what I should read next? I’d love to hear them in the comments!

Hindsight / Foresight August 13, 2017

Mark Solarski

Hindsight this Week

Yesterday was the first day I had off in literally thirteen days–I had a brief due at work and worked a usual workday’s worth of hours last Saturday and Sunday.  Yesterday I didn’t set an alarm (slept in til 8:30!), went to Half Price Books, watched baseball, and got about halfway into my ARC of Girl in Snow.  I would have gotten farther but I found myself glued to my phone, watching the atrocities go down in Charlottesville.  UVA was the other prestigious university in Virginia (I went to William & Mary), so it was surreal to watch the rioting, the initial lack of adequate police response to protect the Black Lives Matter and other counter-protestors, escalating to the death, and then the president’s weak-sauce, half-assed condemnation of both sides.  Girl in Snow is SO very good and I probably could have flown through it yesterday but for being glued to my phone and angry Facebooking.

Speaking of ARCs, it’s an embarrassment of riches over at my house.  I mentioned last week that I got Girls Made of Snow and Glass and Trell.  I also got approved on NetGalley for ARCs of Jessamyn Ward’s Sing, Unburied, Sing, and Girl In Snow.   And, of course, I already had the ARC of Reading People for Anne Bogel’s Launch Team.  Because those all come out soon (or just came out), the blog will be heavily skewed towards ARCs for a few weeks starting soon.

With work being nuts, the only book I finished last week was The Alice Network.  It started a little slow and I was afraid at first I’d gotten another Lilac Girls, but it quickly picked up.  It wasn’t quite on the level of The Nightingale, but similar to that, it made me want to read some nonfiction on Louise de Bettignies, aka Alice Duval.  I did start and read a few chapters of Priestdaddy but it was so good, I decided to go ahead and return the library copy and just buy my own copy so I wasn’t rushed in reading it.

I picked up Since We Fell and Eleanor Oliphant is Complete Fine from the library to add to the towering TBR pile.  Boyfriend and I are almost done with Waking Gods and I’ve only got a few hours left in Born a Crime.

I’d be remiss not to remind you about the amazing bonuses that are still available if you preorder Anne Bogel’s Reading People.  The subtitle is “How Seeing the World Through the Lens of Personality Changes Everything” and is Anne’s story of how digging into the 7 personality frameworks changed her for the better. The book explains how you can put those personality frameworks to work to change your life, work and relationships. You can go to to take a free quiz to see what 9 reading personality best describes you–I got the Insider and it pegged me to a “T.”  And, because its all Anne Bogel, came with reading recommendations for my reading type.

If you want to dive deeper, Anne made a class that you can dive deeper into all 9 types and she gives book recommendations for each type. You can get this class free with a pre-order of the book. You can also get a free download of the audiobook (Anne recorded it!).

Foresight for the coming week

I should finish Girl in Snow Tuesday if not today then its on to Girls Made of Snow and Glass.  Despite their similar titles, they’ve got NOTHING in common so it will be a nice change of pace.  Girl in Snow is a murder mystery where Girls Made of Snow and Glass is YA fantasy.  I will have to pick a new audiobook this week.  I started listening to Hum If You Don’t Know the Words because I love books Bahni Turpin reads, but couldn’t get into it.  A bunch of other folks in the MMD book club raved about it after I set it aside, so I may go back.  I’ve also go an Audible credit burning a hole in my pocket that I need to decide what to use it on.  I’ve heard good things about The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie but I also just learned Bahni does Underground Railroad so I may return the physical copy I have of that one and read the audiobook instead.

Have suggestions for what I should read next? I’d love to hear them in the comments!

Hindsight / Foresight August 6, 2017

Mark Solarski

Hindsight this Week

It’s been a busy week at work so my reading has slowed down–I managed to finish only Almost Sisters and the ARC of Reading People, both of which should be on the blog in the coming weeks.  I started The Alice Network today and am already sucked in–even though I spent the entire day today (Saturday) reading and briefing for work (and will all day Sunday as well), I can’t wait to jump back in and keep reading.  Today has affirmed that reading for work and reading for fun are two entirely different experiences.

I got two ARCs in the mail yesterday and today–Girls Made of Snow and Glass that I mentioned last week from Top Shelf Text and Trell, an ARC about a African-American man wrongly convicted of homicide written by one of the Spotlight Team reporters at the Boston Globe.  Two very different books but I’m excited about both.  They’re both being released in September, so I’ll likely post those reviews towards the very end of August or beginning of September, closer to their release days.

In other acquisitions, I picked up Woman No. 17 from the library and purchased Six of Crows, Stamped from the Beginning, and The Judgment of Richard Richter (Kindle First choice for August).  At the rate I acquire Kindle books, I’m ensuring I’ll never run out of things to read before I die.  For my Book of the Month selections I got the new John Boyne, The Heart’s Invisible Furies as well as a copy of Dark Matter as an early birthday present from Boyfriend.

Boyfriend and I are still slowly working our way through Waking Gods when we’re in the car together and I just started listening to Born a Crime by Trevor Noah.

Foresight for the coming week

I should be able to knock out The Alice Network and Priestdaddy this week.  I’ve got American Street and Fraulein M. waiting as well as my coworker’s copy of The Underground Railroad that I really need to start.  One day my TBR won’t be dictated by my library due dates…but it won’t be any time next week.

Have suggestions for what I should read next? I’d love to hear them in the comments!

Hindsight / Foresight July 30, 2017

Mark Solarski

Hindsight this Week

I finally managed to knock out Lilac Girls, just in time for it to be due back to the library today.  I probably should have abandoned this book–it’s not particularly well written (it’s not bad, it’s just not great) and it’s hard not to compare it to books like All the Light We Cannot See or The Nightingale–standout books in recent WWII fiction.  The writing turned it into a bit of a slog.  Flipping to the end and reading the author’s note to see that two of the characters and the situation were based in real life helped and the second half picked up.  But I did invest an entire week in a book I didn’t love.

I mentioned before, but I’m on the Launch Team for Anne Bogel‘s Reading People (out in September) and just passed the halfway point last night.  I need to step it up and finish it here soon so I can post a review.  I’m enjoying it so far (leaning towards a four star review).  There are some pretty exciting pre-order bonuses detailed here.

I still have all of my library books on hold but am finally coming to a place where I can breathe again.  I’ve got Fraulein M. and Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine en route to my library and three books still in my possession to finish before they are due.  I’m almost done with We Are Never Meeting in Real Life on audio which is hilarious but 100% NSFW, really at any moment.  Swinging from rage-listening to Hillbilly Elegy to laughing so hard I was crying at We Are Never Meeting in Real Life was a bit of audiobook whiplash but was probably what I needed to pull me out of my funk.

The reading snob in me was pretty thrilled with the Man Booker Long List announcement this week.  I adored Exit West (still my favorite book of 2017) and, while it wasn’t exactly my cup of tea, was not at all surprised to see Lincoln in the Bardo.  I already had 4321, The Ministry of Utmost Happiness, Swing Time, and The Underground Railroad on my TBR list with the Roy and Whitehead in my actual house, ready to be read.  History of Wolves looks like something I need to add to my list. The long list had decent minority representation which was pleasant to see.  I cannot imagine Roy, Whitehead, and Hamid not making the short list.

Finally, just this morning, I heard that I won a book Madeleine at Top Shelf Text that isn’t out until September–Girls Made of Snow and Glass–that looks excellent.  I’ve really liked the books I’ve read this year published by Flatiron Books and am really looking forward to this one.

Foresight for the coming week

I’ll be finishing Reading People so that I can get that on the blog in the next few weeks.  The MMD book club is discussing Almost Sisters towards the end of the week so I’ll be getting on that pretty quickly so that I can participate in the author chat with Joshilyn Jackson this week.  (Speaking of–the MMD book club is open again to new members and the fall picks were just announced.  You can check it out here.)

After that I’ve got both The Alice Network and Priestdaddy waiting (expired) on my Kindle that cannot be connected to wifi until I finish, so those are on deck.  I’m have some trepidation about Priestdaddy but wanted to at least give it a try.

Have suggestions for what I should read next?  I’d love to hear them in the comments!

Hindsight / Foresight July 23, 2017

Mark Solarski

Hindsight this week —

Started Salt Houses this week and it has slowed me way down.  I got this one in Kindle and I think it might have been one of those books where I would have pushed through and kept going and finished chapters before bed if I could see how many pages were left.  The estimate minutes on my Kindle is not nearly as helpful.  It’s good and engaging but there isn’t a lot of action–there are large (5 years or more) passings of time between chapters and it is in those spaces that action seems to happen.  The chapters are life after the events–after the Six-Days War and the fighting in Beirut.  It’s interesting but if the action is in the gaps, you can see why its moving a touch slowly.  I’ve got Lilac Girls on deck next because there are 47 people who have it on hold after I do (not an exaggeration–the library system tells me how many people I’m leaving hanging if I keep it past the due date) and it’s due soon.

I did actually finish Hillbilly Elegy on audio.  It. Is. Awful.  Review coming but it’s been a while since I read such a politically biased book, even if it is memoir.

The only library acquisition was The Almost Sisters for the MMD Book Club discussion in August.  My other main acquisition this week was the advance reader copy of Anne Bogel’s Reading People: How Seeing the World Through the Lens of Personality Changes Everything.   I’m in the launch team getting to review it early and I’m super excited to jump in.  Other folks in the launch team have been posting tidbits on Facebook and it looks fantastic.  There are some amazing pre-order bonuses for offer on that link.  If you’ve ever listened to Anne on the What Should I Read Next podcast, you know how melodic her voice is–I’m excited for her audio on the book.

Foresight for the coming week–

Posts for either The Hate U Give or Inside Out and Back Again will be posted next week along with a player to be named later.  I have both of those done but don’t want to have two YA books in the same week, even if their age-intended audiences are very different.  I’ve got Hillbilly Elegy, The Fall of Lisa Bellow, Dark Matter, and Lincoln in the Bardo in the queue to review so…most likely one of those.  I need to actually do what I’ve been saying for weeks and build up a few posts.  I’ve got the books, I just need to find the time.

I need to knock out Reading People and finish Lilac Girls this week.  Push has come to shove and I’m about to be shoved over the cliff of having library fines if I don’t!

What are you reading next? Have suggestions about books I should read? I’d love to hear from you.

Hindsight / Foresight July 15, 2017

Mark Solarski

Hindsight this week —

Great reading week this week.  Finished A Bridge Across the Ocean (not what I was expecting), The Hate U Give, Anything is Possible, and Beartown.  I stayed up way past my bedtime last night to finish Beartown.  It’s easily moved into my top three books of 2017, joining Exit West and This Is How It Always Is.

At the end of the week I had to put a pause on all of my library holds.  They caught up with me and I’m drowning in books with due dates.  I did wind up getting The Alice Network, Priestdaddy, and We Are Never Hanging Out in Real Life before the holds went in–these were the straws that broke the camel’s back on the library holds.

I totally failed at my goal of getting some posts built up.  I did get reviews done for When Dimple Met Rishi and Inside Out and Back Again since those were due back at the library.  The Hate U Give is being taken from me later today by Overdrive so that draft will be done by 8:52 p.m. when that book turns back into a pumpkin.  I don’t want to do two YA in a week so I’ll hopefully also get a draft banged out for The Sisters Chase today as well.  I do still have Lincoln in the Bardo and The Fall of Lisa Bellow as well as Dark Matter now in my hot little hands to go back and review.  I’m stewing with Beartown and the hangover it left me last night, but I’ve also got in on deck for a review.  I have the books…it’s the time that’s an issue.  And the Sox playing a double-header against the Yankees doesn’t bode well for my getting work done.


Foresight for the coming week–

Posts for When Dimple Met Rishi and The Sisters Chase will be posted this week, come hell or high water.  The bonus review of WSIRN should also be posted since that’s essentially 3/4 done as well.

In reading, I’d like to knock out Salt Houses as well as Lilac Girls this week.  Probably won’t get more than that since Lilac Girls is thick.  I didn’t realize that until I got the tome that is the hardback version from the library.  I’m still plugging away at Hillbilly Elegy on audio but feel like I’m constantly on the edge of abandoning it.  We’ll see if I make it through or if this is the first book I abandon of 2017.

What are you reading next? Have suggestions about books I should read? I’d love to hear from you.

Hindsight / Foresight July 8, 2017

Mark Solarski

Hindsight this week —

Picked up the pace a bit with reading this week, but it did help that I was reading some lighter and shorter books.  I finished The Stars are Fire, When Dimple Met Rishi, and Inside Out & Back Again.  I wound up only having a day to knock out a draft of The Stars Are Fire before I had to return the book–I really need to plan a little better to finish books before the day before they’re due.  Blog posts for those are coming towards the end of the month or beginning of next.  I adored Inside Out & Back Again.  I’m really not familiar with novels in verse outside of Inside Out and Brown Girl Dreaming but I’ve loved them both and need to find more.  Inside Out also showed me I know absolutely nothing about the Vietnam war, thanks to only ever getting somewhere into the sixties in history class before the end of the year every year (and, even if we had gotten that far, we wouldn’t have gotten the perspective of someone from Vietnam).  I’m taking it as a sign that I need to read The Sympathizer or, you know, a non-fiction book.  But we’ll start with The Sympathizer.

I’ve got Goodbye, Vitamin as my Book of the Month pick and applied for a few ARCs through LibraryThing, so I’ve got some new books on the way along with a pile waiting for me at the library.  I’ve almost hit that spot where I’m getting books faster than I can read them.  Oh, bookworm problems.

I’m a little more than 3/4 of the way through The Hate U Give and I’m simultaneously mourning the coming end and wanting it to go faster so I know how it ends.  Boyfriend and I listened to the first half of Waking Gods on the drive to an from Dallas to see the Sox this week.  It’s rare that I double-listen to audio books but these are as different as two books can be and I didn’t think I could sell him on jumping into The Hate U Give in the middle.  Not sure if I’ll review Waking Gods or not–it’s ok but it’s not as amazing as the first book so far.  (Is the second book in the series ever as good as the first?)

The only library addition this week was Hillbilly Elegy which is on deck after The Hate U Give and a catch up episode or two of What Should I Read Next.  Speaking of WSIRN, Anne Bogel is currently running a promotion to boost reviews of the podcast.  Winners will receive a free deluxe reading journal kit from the Modern Mrs. Darcy store.  I actually enjoyed writing my review, thinking through my recent favorite episode and how I’ve seen the podcast evolve.  I’ll likely post a bonus post here in the coming weeks with my review expanded since it is a source of many of the books on my TBR pile.

Foresight for the coming week–

Posts for I Found You, a British mystery/thriller, and The Stars Are Fire should be posted next week with The Sisters Chase, When Dimple Met Rishi, Lincoln in the Bardo, and The Fall of Lisa Bellow on deck after that–I hope to knock out all those drafts next week and get myself a little stocked up on reviews so I’m not trying to finish posts the day before they’re due (except, of course, this one).

I’ve had A Bridge Across the Ocean and Among the Ten Thousand Things on my Kindle from the library so long that they’ve already expired and I can’t update my Kindle til they’re done.  At least one of those is the plan for this week along with Anything is Possible by Elizabeth Stout.  I adored Olive Kitteridge but could not stand My Name is Lucy Barton (so. whiny. no. plot.) so we’ll see where I land on Anything is Possible.  Either way, it’s closing out my reading challenge category for three books by the same author.  That one isn’t due as soon as some others but I’ve been delinquent in the MMD book club and I need to go ahead and read that one so I can engage in the discussion boards.


What are you reading next? Have suggestions about books I should read? I’d love to hear from you.

Hindsight / Foresight July 1, 2017

Mark Solarski

Hindsight this week —

It’s been an unusually slow week for me this week! Thankfully two of my library books with looming deadlines were eligible for renew so I won’t be forsaking sleep any more than usual to finish my towering TBR pile.  These last seven days I finished was The Heart by Maylis de Kerangal and The Sisters Chase by Sarah Healy (at 11:45 last night–finished by the skin of my teeth!).  The Heart left me with that hangover feeling you get from eating rich food.  Like nothing else will ever taste that good and I’m not sure I want to eat anything else for a while.  Such a beautiful book, but it made me slow to dive into the next read.  Review should be up within the next two weeks.

Finishing The Sister’s Chase put me closer to my goal of actually reading my Book of the Month picks so I can decide whether to stick with it.  I’m *thinking* I am but jury is still out.  I picked my BOTM last night and should be getting Goodbye, Vitamin as my July pick soon.  I was torn between it and American Fire which I’ll be putting on hold soon at the library.

For listening, I am entranced by Bahni Turpin reading The Hate U Give and love it to the extent you can love a book that rips your heart out and shows it to you while you weep over the gaping hole in your chest.  Bahni Turpin also read A Piece of Cake by Cupcake Brown–she did such an excellent job in that reading that I keep having to remind myself that Starr is not Cupcake.  Turpin wins rewards for her audiobook reading and I can absolutely see why.  She’s phenomenal.

In other media, I finally saw Wonder Woman and loved it.  I don’t have the background or bandwith to analyze it like I do books so I won’t try.  I’m sure it’s not perfect but I don’t care.  Loved it.  The day after I posted last week’s note about GirlBoss, Netflix announced they canceled the show.  I liked it enough to plan to watch the second season but can’t say I’m heartbroken.  As awful as Sophia comes across on the show, Netflix has gotten criticism for downplaying some of the truly awful stuff she did to other people.  I think that’s bumped #GirlBoss the book back down a few pegs in the TBR pile.

Library additions to the growing TBR pile this week include Salt Houses (kindle), The Hate U Give (audio by Overdrive), All Our Wrong Todays (recommended on Insta after I posted about Dark Matter), and Anything is Possible.

I fell into the black hole of online book-related-things including being the last one to know that Goodreads has a giveaway section where you can enter to get free books, including some very recently and soon to be released books.  I’ve got approximately a one in ten thousand chance to get some of those but you know I will post here if I do!

I also discovered LibraryThing, a site/app that lets you log your books so you know what you actually own (and it also has a free book section!).  In logging all 600+ of my books (including kindle books) I discovered I have at least ten duplicates of books that I didn’t realize I had.  And this is why I need to log my books.  At least this way I’ve got a stack of books for my local Little Free Libraries.  (Side note: when I’m not reading, I help with Austin Lost & Found Pets which works to reunite lost pets with their owners.  This sometimes includes chasing/trapping lost pets.  I caught a little guy on Tuesday this week that had been out and about for a week in my neighborhood before we got him.  He was an excellent house guest for the day I had him except for when he peed in my car…don’t worry.  The books that were waiting for the Little Free Libraries soaked it all up….and no, of course I didn’t donate those).

Foresight for the coming week–

Review for Killers of the Flower Moon will be posted Tuesday and The Heart will be coming later in the week.  Though it will be a while til they are posted, I’m hoping to schedule posts a few weeks out and have The Fall of Lisa Bellow, Lincoln in the Bardo, I Found You (audio), and The Sisters Chase to draft reviews on this week as well.  I’m on the wait list to get a copy of Dark Matter back into my hot little hands so I can review it soon.  I’ve read these all recently, it’s just hard to review a book that isn’t in front of me.  If you’ve got a preference for which review gets posted next of those choices, I’d love to know in the comments below.

I’m cracking open The Stars are Fire by Anita Shreve today with A Bridge Across the Ocean next because it’s about to expire on my Kindle.  The Red Sox are in Dallas on the 4th so boyfriend and I got tickets to head up and see the boys play.  With Tuesday and Wednesday off, I should be able to have a pretty good reading week and *might* even get to start Among the Ten Thousand Things as a third book this week.  Boyfriend is currently burning through Sleeping Giants so that we can listen to the sequel Waking Gods while we drive to and from Dallas which could take anywhere between six and sixty hours.

I’m also hoping to get a review cranked out for the What Should I Read Next podcast–both because I want to include bonus posts on where I get my books and things I’m listening to and because Anne Bogel is doing a giveaway of her Bullet Journal kits and I’m a sucker for free bookish-stuff.  I’ll either link or repost my review here this week.

What are you reading next? Have suggestions about books I should read? I’d love to hear from you.

Hindsight / Foresight June 24, 2017

Mark Solarski

Hindsight this week —

I finished the third book in the March trilogy, the graphic novel of Representative John Lewis’s experiences fighting for civil rights of African Americans.  I deliberately held this book to read on Monday since it was Juneteenth.  It was a way for me to take time to honor the day and think both about how far we’ve come and how far we still have to do.  I’m glad I waited to finish it.

In other media, I wrapped up binge-watching GirlBoss on Netflix.  Not sure how I feel about it–Sophia is not a likeable character but she grows on you.  She’s not as bad as say…the narrator of The Girl on the Train.  I’ve got #GirlBoss on my Kindle and this may push it higher up the TBR pile before I forget how the show progressed and made me feel.  Time will tell.

Library additions to the growing TBR pile this week include When Dimple Met Rishi, Six Stories, and Inside Out and Back Again.

I’m a little more than halfway into Voyager by Diana Gabaldon now.  I’m just permanently hanging out in the middle of Gabaldon’s Outlander series.  I read a few chapters a week when whatever I’m currently reading just isn’t the right tone or mood and I need something a little lighter or more mindless.  I appreciate having Gabaldon as a standby for times when I just need a little junk food reading.

I stumbled upon this Washington Post article a little late but was pleased to see Exit West and the Twelve Lives of Samuel Hawley on the list of best books of 2017 so far.  I adored Exit West.  It’s earned a place in my favorites of all time.  I loved Samuel Hawley as well –the story, the characters, and the structure–and love that it’s getting more press.  I’ve got Priestdaddy and Anything is Possible on hold already at the library.  I’ve seen SO much good press for Hunger and I loved Bad Feminist, but I’m a little afraid of how dark Hunger is.  I”m inching closer to putting it on the hold list.  I may get a few more book ideas from the others on the list, but I don’t see anything convincing me to read a book on Richard Nixon any time soon.

I also finished Dreamland Burning by Jennifer Latham and Killers of the Flower Moon by David Grann.  Which brings me to ….

Foresight for the coming week–

Reviews for Dreamland Burning and Killers of the Flower Moon will be posted soon.  The Modern Mrs. Darcy book club is talking with Jennifer Latham this week so I’m deliberately holding that review in case I want to add to it after talking with her.  Since Dreamland Burning lead me to pick Killers of the Flower Moon as my next read, I don’t want to publish those out of order.  You’ll just have to wait a little bit longer for my first review.

I will be finishing The Heart by Maylis de Kernagal tomorrow, if not tonight.  I’ve got a pile of library reads with swiftly approaching deadlines but I also want to make sure I read all of my Book of the Month picks so I can decide if I’m going to stay subscribed past July.  I’m leaning towards yes but I can’t exactly make an educated choice if I haven’t read the four books I’ve gotten.  That puts The Sisters Chase by Sarah Healy up next.  After that, Beartown, The Stars Are Fire, and The Versions of Us all have the same due date at the library so we’ll have to see which of those strikes my fancy.  At my current rate, I should have to make that decision by the end of the week.

I should finish I Found You by Lisa Jewell on audio this week with The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas on deck.

Finally, I think I might start either The Handmaid’s Tale on Hulu (I know.  I’m behind) or Anne with an E on Netflix.  I want to reread Anne of Green Gables later this year for a book challenge so I may hold off on that.  I re-read The Handmaid’s Tale over Christmas last year and don’t want to wait too long to start it.  I’ve heard good things about both.

What are you reading next?  Have suggestions about which book I should read after The Sister’s Chase?  I’d love to hear from you.