Hindsight // Foresight October 30, 2017

Mark Solarski

Hindsight this week

As predicted, I didn’t get in much extra reading this week.  I did go ahead and knock out a Ms. Marvel collection (volumes 1-11) for the Book Riot #ReadHarder challenge (superhero comic with a female lead).  Comics definitely still aren’t my thing but I love that Marvel has a sixteen year old, first generation Pakistani-American Muslim girl as a superhero lead.  Representation matters and Marvel knocked that one out of the park.

I’m still working my way through Music of the Ghosts.  I’m borderline on abandoning it but thinking I’m going to push through.  I’m trying to be more okay with putting down books I don’t love but I feel bad giving up on this one.  It’s beautifully written and deliberately slow–I think it just isn’t the right season for me to read something this slow, but I’m 70% through so I don’t want to jump ship now.  Hopefully I will finally finish this one this week.

And, speaking of “finally” doing things, I finally started A Gentleman in Moscow on audiobook and it is as lovely as everyone said.  I may look for this one in paper or hardback as well so I can have the physical copy.  I am literally running out of bookshelves so I need to figure something out here before the two boxes I bought from my mother arrive.  (Yikes!)  I am relatively minimalist when it comes to clothes.  Not so much for books.

Foresight for the coming week

I am going to knock out Music of the Ghosts this week and then I’ve got to start and get through Fierce Kingdom in four days (eep!).  I’ve finished Young Jane Young but need to type up my review before its also due in four days.  Hopefully work will be slightly less nuts this week and I’ll have time to do this, but admittedly, I’m not holding my breath.

Are you reading anything good? I’d love to hear in the comments.

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